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A Very Warm Welcome

Holy Trinity Church, Washington, known locally as “the church on the hill”, is a Christian community of worship and prayer. We are the local parish church for the central areas of Washington New Town, from Albany to Teal Farm and from Biddick to Barmston. As part of the Diocese of Durham, our aim is to bless our community in Jesus’ name for the transformation of us all.

Trinity Tots

Trinity Tots is for babies and children of pre-school age accompanied by parents,

grandparents, childminders and anyone who looks after a small child.

Follow the link to this page to complete the online regisatration form:


Come And Join Us

We would love you to join us for worship at any of our services:


8am Holy Communion quiet service (alternate weeks – please check the weekly sheet)

10am Holy Communion with choir (every week)


10am Holy Communion quiet service (every week)

Our Sunday 10am service continues to be livestreamed. If you would like to join us online, please email office.htcw@gmail.com and we will include you in our circulation list.

The weekly pew sheet containing further detail and church notices is available here:


If you wish to make an online gift or donation to support our general work within the community please follow the link below which will take you to our Give A Little donation page:

Give A Little

If you are a UK taxpayer, selecting Gift Aid will allow the church to reclaim tax, effectively increasing the amount of the donation at no extra cost to you.

New Choral Music for Church Choirs

2024 was marked by the publication of a new collection of music for church choirs by Richard Judson, a professional musician and composer and life-long member of our choir at Holy Trinity, Washington.

To learn more and to see and hear examples of Richard's work, please click on this link.


At Holy Trinity, we take the safety of children, young people, and vulnerable adults very seriously. You can find our safeguarding policies by clicking here, or via the ‘Safeguarding’ link in the menu above.

Holy Trinity Church Washington in the Diocese of Durham (Church of England). 

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